
Thursday, January 15, 2015

8 Ways to Make an Achievable Year Plan for 2015

2015 is upon us, which means it’s time to get your New Year plan in order. The beginning of each year is an exciting time where everything feels full of possibility, but as the year goes on, this excitement often fades and the drive to achieve all your goals can fall by the wayside as well. To make sure your 2015 sees you achieve your big goals, you need to make your plan realistic and achievable.
Here are eight simple ways to make an achievable year plan for 2015. Ready to get started? Read on.

1. Know Why

Being committed to a plan is great but you need to get your foundations right first. Knowing why you’re working towards what you’re working towards is essential. It will guide you in the goal-setting process and keep you going when it all feels too hard (and at times it will!). So before you do anything, make sure you understand your ‘why’ first.

2. Write Down Your Goals

If you want to make an achievable year plan, writing down your goals is essential. Writing them down makes them real rather than thoughts in your head. Make sure every goal is a SMART goal: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-related.

3. Create Action Steps

For every goal, create actionable steps to get there. Your action steps are all about breaking each goal down into small, action-oriented mini steps. Think of these steps like the ‘how’ of achieving your goal.

4. Form Good Habits

Creating an achievable year plan is all about forming good habits. Set some solid habits at the start of the year and make a plan to stick to it. A habit might be writing a daily to-do list, reviewing your goals weekly, or daily exercise. Consider what habits will help you reach your goals and schedule them in!

5. Never Miss Twice

In the midst of your amazing year plan life happens, and sometimes it gets in the way. You’re bound to have days during the year when you just can’t follow through on your goals. By employing the mindset of ‘never miss twice’ you’ll ensure that even when you do have an off day, you are back on track the very next day working toward your goals.

6. Know Your Highest Leverage Tasks

Understanding your highest leverage tasks is all about knowing what is going to have the biggest impact in helping you reach your goals and make your dreams for 2015 come true. Knowing your high impact tasks means you can spend more time on the most important things and less time on things that don’t matter as much. There’s a limited amount of time in each day, so spending it wisely by using it to work towards what will get you results is essential.

7. Harness the Power of the Group

Sometimes it can feel tough going it alone. If you’re working alone, tap into the power of the group to make your 2015 year plan feel achievable. The internet is great for tapping into the power of the group – think online discussion groups, challenges. and competitions. All of these are full of the support, community, and outside push you need to achieve your goals.

8. Take Time For You

Among all your big plans for the new year is you! Take time out for yourself throughout the year to ensure you are feeling your very best physically, emotionally and spiritually. Taking this time for yourself will ensure you’re in the very best position to achieve the big goals when you need to.
